Daily Bulletin
District Office Bulletin for Saturday, March 29, 2025
Thursday, March 27, 2025 - MS/HS Daily Announcements
Daily Announcements MPCG
Date: Thursday, March 27, 2025
Our Mission at MPCG is C.L.E.A.R!
Lunch Menu:
BBQ Meatball Sub Sandwich
Macaroni Salad
Potato Chips
Salad Bar
Daily Activities:
V Track practice 4:00 @ HS
JH Track practice 4:00 @ HS
Baseball practice 6:00am @ Arena
JH Baseball practice 6:30am @ Arena
Softball practice 4:00 @ Arena/Outside
JH Softball practice 4:00 @ Arena/Outside
Speech Practice 4:30 in Auditorium
3 rd grade Program @ PBJ
Daily Reminders:
There are Prom Picture order forms on the table outside the office.
Prom fees need to be paid in the office THIS WEEK. $20 per couple.
Reminder to students in 6th grade through 11th grade~ Please check your email and complete the HOSA survey by the end of the school day on Friday 3/28/25.
Students interested in any work experience for next school year, please stop by Mrs. Strand's room and grab an application. Applications are due April 8th.
Middle School Students: You MAY NOT go down to the middle school until AFTER 8:00…even after morning practices…you can wait to put your stuff in your lockers!
Students that have signed up for driver's ed, please pick up your student/parent information packet from the office!
Senors: Mrs. Hanson needs an upright headshot photo of you for the yearbook and Mr. Torgeson needs 5 slideshow pictures of you for the graduation slideshow. Please do this ASAP!
Spring Dual Sports: 7th - 12th grade students that are planning on dual sporting this spring have to have their paperwork signed and turned in no later than this Friday, to compete in both sports. The forms are due to Mrs. Hanson or Mr. Sola. Talk to either AD for more information.
Close-Up will be meeting in the auditorium TODAY @ Patriot Pride Time to discuss both the upcoming Pizza Fundraiser & Middle School Dance Fundraiser!
Job Opportunity: MayPort Hardware Hank is looking for a part time employee. They are flexible and willing to work around your schedule.Please pick up an application at the front counter of the store.
Detention: Mr. Sola